
[ 2009 March 18. ]

spinoff (n.) [‘spIn,Cf] 副產品; 附帶產生的結果; 續集
﹣a usu. useful product or result of a process other than the main one = by-product
EX: The TV show was so successful that it led to two spinoff programs.

spin off (phr v.) 作為副產品出產; 隨之而產生; 衍生出
﹣to produce as a spin-off

body of knowledge (n.) 知識體系
// body在此指所有的, 整體的。

body (n.) [‘badI] [of] 大量
﹣a large amount
EX: The oceans are large bodies of water.

food for thought (idiom.) 引人深思之事 

food (n.) [fUd] (辯論或思考的)資料, 精神食糧
﹣subject matter (for an argument or careful thought) that which helps ideas to start working in the mind.
EX: The teacher's advice gave me plenty of food for thought.

cooperation (n.) [ko,apF’reJFn] 合作
﹣the act of working together for a shared purpose.
EX: This film was produced in cooperation with Australian TV.

far from (phrase.) 遠遠不, 一點也不
﹣a very much not, a long way from being; not at all
EX: His work is far from satisfactory.

far from it (phrase.) 遠非如此
EX: She is not a good driver - far from it!
      她不是一個好駕駛員 - 遠遠不是!

so far from (phrase.) 不但不...(反而...)
= rather than = instead of = the opposite of
EX: (So) far from taking my advice, he went and did just what I had warned him against.

appreciation (n.) [F,priJi’eJFn] 欣賞, 感激
﹣understanding of the good qualities or worth of something.
EX: The audience showed their appreciation with loud cheers.

... could not ..., if it hadn't been for ...
「若不是因為...,... 才不會如何。」
EX: If it hadn't been for the teacher's help, Johnny would have failed the test.


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