
[ 2009 March 16. ]

tournament (n.) [‘tRnFmFnt] 錦標賽, 聯賽
﹣an event in which a number of games are played, the winner being the player who wins the greatest number of games.

anticipate (v.) [Xn’tIsF,pet] 預期, 期望 = expect
﹣to think likely to happen
EX: Are you anticipating any trouble when the factory opens again?

anticipated (pp.) 期待的, 預期的
// 此有形容詞功能
EX: This is the most anticipated concert of the year.

wrap up (infml.) 完成, 結束
﹣to complete (a business, arrangement, meeting, etc.)
EX: Now the trade agreement is wrapped up all we have to do is wait for the first orders.
* keep...under wraps : 保守秘密

legacy (n.) [‘lEgFsI] 遺產; 遺留下來的精神或物質財富
﹣money or other property that one receives from someone who has died, in accordance with their wishes officially recorded while they were alive.
﹣something passed on or left behind by someone or something

EX: Disease and famine are often legacies of war.

underdog (n.) [‘VndB’dCg] 被預期會是輸家的人, 處於劣勢的人
﹣a person, team, etc. that is expected to lose in a competition with another.
EX: In their football match with Brazil, Switzerland are the underdogs.
* underdog原指打鬥中鬥敗的狗。

apt (a.) [Xpt] 適當的, 恰當的
﹣exactly suitable

aptly (adv.)
 [‘XptlI] 適當地, 恰當地, 貼切地
EX: The news reporter aptly called the disaster the worst one to ever hit that area.


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