
EX: Listen to those people. What language are they speaking? (現在進行式)
      Excuse me, do you speak English? (現在簡單式)
      I'm going to bed now. Good night. (現在進行式)
      I always go to bed before midnight. (現在簡單式)

*I always do something: 通常表示我每次都做某件事情。
   I'm always doing something: 表示我經常做某件事,頻率已經高過正常狀況。

EX: I always lose things.
      I've lost my key again. I'm always losing things.

// You're always -ing 表示你經常做某件事情,頻率已經超過說話者認定的正常或合理的範圍。

*進行式只能用於表達動作以及某事件的發生(EX: It is raining.)。有些動詞並非表達動作的動詞,所以不能使用進行式

like   love   hate   want   need   prefer
know   realize   suppose   mean   understand   believe   remember
belong   contain   consist   depend   seem

EX: I'm hungry. I want something to eat. (不是 I'm wanting)
      You doesn't seem very happy right now.

﹣think 意思是believe(相信)的時候,不可以使用進行式,但是若是(腦子裡正在想)的時候,就可使用進行式。
EX: What do you think (=believe) will happen?
      You look serious. What are you thinking about?

﹣have 意思是possess(擁有)的時候,不可以使用進行式,但是若是(享有、享用)的時候,就可使用進行式。
EX: We're enjoying our trip. We have a nice room in the hotel.
      We're enjoying our trip. We're having a great time.

*通常 see  hear  smell  taste 等動詞只能使用現在簡單式,不可使用進行式。我們通常使用 can + see/hear/smell/taste
EX: Do you see that man over there?
      Listen! Can you hear something.

EX: I'm seeing the manager tomorrow morning.

*am / is / are being 是用來表示某人目前的表現,不適用於表達一般性狀態的句子中。
EX: I can't understand why he's being so selfish. He isn't usually like that.
      // being selfish 指在當時表現的很自私
      He never thinks about other people. He is very selfish.
      // 此指,一般說來,他都很自私,並非只有某個時候才自私

*look  feel 使用現在簡單式或現在進行式,均可表示某人目前看起來如何或感覺如何。但是,若表示經常性的感覺,則不能用現在進行式。
EX: You look good today. (或 You're looking good today.)
      How do you feel now? (或 How are you feeling now?)
      I usually feel tired in the morning.

[ 節錄自 Grammar is Use Intermediate - Unit 3 / Unit 4 ]

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